Friday, January 4, 2013


     I love my friends.  I love that I have friends that we can talk about anything that we want.  I can let down my guard completely.  I don't have to "be" someone else.  I don't have to say just the right thing.  I can be me.  I have been thinking about how to write a post to describe the awesome of my friends.  I don't really think I can.  You know who you are, my fabulous friends, so thank you so much for letting me really be who I am.  Thank you to all of those people who have let me grow and learn and have helped me see the things that God has for me.  I love you!
     I know there are people who have a hard time making close friends, if that is the case for you.  Please find someone who you think you have one thing, just one thing in common with and start to get to know them more.  It could be the stage of life you are in, it could be your faith, it could be your hobby, it could be your work.  Look for someone that you think, "I could probably manage a 5 minute conversation with them."  Then go have that conversation.  The other person could be feeling the same way you are- in need of a friend and you will both be glad you took the chance.  It might be weird at first, but that's ok.  It is worth it.  Your conversation starter most likely will not be weirder than any I have used.  A couple of examples, "If you could be any kind of fruit, what would you be and why?"  and "I think we should be friends.  Here's my phone number."  Yes, I actually said both of those to people that I did not know.  But they both worked out really well for me.  :-)  So, even things that seem a little crazy may make you wonderful friends!  Go and try it.  Thanks for reading.  :-)

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