Monday, March 31, 2014

Surprised by Motherhood

Photo: The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. ~ Colossians 1:15-17 (NIV).

And I know that there is no part of our everyday, wash and rinse and repeat routine of kids and laundry and life and fights and worries and play dates and Kindergarten orientation and work and marriage and love and new life and bed time snuggles and Sunday morning rush that Jesus doesn’t look deep into and say, “That is mine.”

In Him all things hold together.

All things.

It's been almost exactly a year since I blogged.  It has been an awesome, crazy year!  We just closed on our first house on Friday.  For almost 10 years we have lived in apartments and now we have a place that is ours.  Not a home, because home is where your family is, so all the apartments have been home, but something that is really OURS!  It's weird.  I have many other wonderful and not so wonderful things to share, but those are for another day.  Today is about Surprised by Motherhood by Lisa-Jo Baker. 

I LOVE this gal's blog.  I Facebook share almost every single post she writes, so when I heard she was actually writing a book, I freaked out a little- ok, a lot.  I was so excited.  My husband laughs sometimes because I talk about Lisa-Jo like we are friends, even though we have never met or talked.  When I read her blog, I am encouraged.  I feel like I am sitting down to read words of encouragement from a close friend.  (P.S. Lisa-Jo, if you read this and you are ever in the Seattle area, I would love to have you over for dinner and dessert.  I can bakes TONS of stuff.)  I have only read part of the book, since it doesn't actually come out until tomorrow, but I can't wait to read it all!

Here is a part in the first few pages that just sang to me:

        "But I would do some things differently. I would throw away most of the parenting books that made me feel like I was somehow failing at this most important test of womanhood-being a mother.  I'd throw out the advice about what I was doing wrong or should be doing differently or should aspire to be doing. I'd just revel in the daily, sleep-deprived merry-go-round and eat a lot more chocolate cake.
    Also, I'd go up to tired moms dragging screaming kids through Target and give them flowers. I would stop every single new mom I ran into with chocolate and promises that they could do it. I would tell them they're my heroes-for every month of pregnancy, every 3 a.m. feeding, every booboo kissed, every diaper changed, every plate of food they never got to eat hot."

Ok, I need to stop quoting the book or I will just type it all.  :-)  And that is just from the prologue where she explains why she wrote the book.  It just keeps getting better as you read.  I had tears running down my face. Good tears from being encouraged at a time I needed it. She writes, "You are much braver than you think."  Tired tears.  Tears from remembering the sleepless nights with little babies.  Tears from the melt-into-your-shoulder baby snuggles.  Tears of joy and laughter. 

I want moms to feel encouraged.  That is why I had been the MOPS Coordinator for so long.  MOPS helped me when I didn't even know I needed it.  This book will encourage all moms, no matter what stage of motherhood they are in.  If you want to be encouraged that motherhood is not a competition and we can all learn from one another, please head on over to Amazon to order the book: 

Also, check out Lisa-Jo's blog at: LOVE IT!!! 

I could write a TON more, but now I need to go snuggle this little monkey girl that is hanging on my arm.  :-)