Wednesday, February 6, 2013


     There is a story in the Bible in 1 Kings 13 about two prophets, an old one and a young one.  The young one had been told by God not to eat or drink food on a journey that he was on.  A King offered him food and he told him that even if the King gave him half his Kingdom, he could not eat or drink with the King because God told him not to on the journey.  As he is headed home, an old prophet goes after the young prophet and tells him that God said to the old prophet the young prophet could eat and drink with the old prophet.  It was completely a lie.  But the young prophet didn't know that so he goes and eats with old prophet. 
     As they are eating and drinking, the old prophet gets an actual word from God telling the old prophet that the young one will be killed by a lion because he disobeyed what God had told him to do.  Wow!!  Doesn't that seem crazy?!?!  For eating and drinking, the prophet of God gets killed by a lion.  The point wasn't the eating and drinking, it was that he disobeyed what God had told him to do.
     He trusted the wrong person.  He knew the King was making evil choices, so he didn't trust him.  But the old prophet?  The young prophet trusted him because he was another prophet.  But, the young prophet KNEW what God had told him.  But he listened to someone else and not God.  He should have checked this new message with God.
     He trusted someone more than God.  The main take away that I get from the story is be careful who you let into your sphere of influence.  Be cautious to whom you give your trust.  I am not saying I shouldn't be friends and acquaintances with lots of people, but I need to watch who I let into my inner circle.  I want to make sure they are telling me things that line up with the Word of God.  That they are pushing toward God and not away from Him.  I want to use wisdom.  I want to seek God and check what others tell me against what God is telling me.  Who are you letting into your sphere of influence?  Thanks for reading.  :-)

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