Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Glider

     I am not a person who naturally likes change.  Some people do.  Me, not so much.  So, as my baby girl is getting older (she will be two next month), there have to be some changes to her room.  We have already taken out the changing table to make room for shelves and a little dresser.  With Christmas there will be more toys and she will need more space for those toys, so some things have to go. 
     The next change is probably going to be taking out the glider chair.  This is a big deal for me.  It is the seat that I sat in with both of my newborns and still use a little now.  I got to know my babies in that chair.  I sat with them night after night after that chair.  I cried with them.  Celebrated with them.  Sang to them.  Got to know them in that chair.  I know that I will always have those memories and I will make new ones, but it is going to be hard to let that chair go.  What makes me feel a little better is that hopefully another momma will get to know her babies in that chair. 
     My baby girl is (unknowingly) trying to help me with this transition.  The other day we went to read a book and I went to sit down in the chair.  She sat on the floor and patted beside her and said, "Sit."  I felt like she was telling me, "Mom, it's ok.  I'm going to grow up.  Things are going to change.  But I still want relationship with you.  I love you.  I want to be with you."  I know that really, she just wanted to sit on the floor.  But, maybe it was God reminding me that change can be good.  And that it will be ok.  Sometimes things have to change so we can get something even better.  Thanks for reading.

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