Wednesday, December 19, 2012


     I was doing a Beth Moore Bible study today.  She used the following story and it struck me in a new way, so I thought I would share.  :-)
     Jesus tells a story about three servants who are given various amounts of money by their master.  The first is given five talents (talent was the name of the money), the second was given two, and finally, the third is given one.  The first two invest what they have and double their money.  The third buries his in a field.  When the master gets home, he tells the first two, "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.  Come and share in your master's happiness!"  But the third ones tells the master that he knows the master is a hard man, harvesting where he did not sow and gathering where he did not scatter seed.  So he was afraid and buried his money, but he does have the one coin to give back.  The master says, "You wicked, lazy servant!  So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed? You should have put the money in the bank where I would have at least gotten interest!" So the master takes the one coin from the man who buried it and gives it to the servant who had ten coins.  The master explains, "For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance.  Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him."  (paraphrased from Matthew 25)
     A couple of things.  I have always thought about this story talking about being responsible with the money and resources that God has given us.  I understand that is the obvious take away, but that is pretty much the only way I took it.  I didn't connect the idea that one of the resources that God has given us is our gifts and time.  But today in the study, she obviously set it up so we would take more away than the obvious.  Also, there is probably a speaker who I have heard talk about this passage like that, but it did not really make that much of an impact on me.  Especially since I have been really looking for what I should be doing right now with my talents and time and life.  Not that I don't think I am doing good things that God has for me.  I love being able to be home with my honey and kiddos, helping at preschool, being the coordinator of MOPS, volunteering at the church, creating relationships with my friends.  God has good stuff He already has me doing, but I just want to keep checking in so I don't miss anything.  I don't want Him to take the opportunities He has given me away because I don't take them.  I want to be faithful with the abilities, skills, gifts, and talents He has given me right now, so that He knows I will use well the other things that He gives me.  I want Him to say to me when I see Him in Heaven, "Well done, good and faithful servant!" 
     Also, this story has always bothered me a little.  When the master says, "For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him."  It just kinda seemed unfair.  But today, when I realized part of the point is about being FAITHFUL, taking action; it doesn't seem as unfair.  The third guy didn't do anything because he was afraid.  He was afraid he would screw up.  WOW!  Does that hit close to home?!?!  The master wasn't mad that he had lost the money, he was angry because the guy hadn't done anything.  I mean I guess digging a hole is something, but you know what I mean.  He didn't try anything.  He had this money and he just buried it. 
     I had to repent for the times I have done that.  I know that I could try something, but I don't know how it will turn out, what people will think, if I will fail, I will have to rearrange my schedule.  So I do...nothing.  Yuck.  I don't want to be the third guy with all my potential buried in a field.  Buried right under the surface where no one can see it.  I want to go try things.  The first two guys didn't know that what they were trying would actually make money, but they did something.  The master didn't say, "Are you crazy?!  Why would you try that?  You are lucky that it worked out, even so, that was irresponsible to do with my money."  We don't know what they first two guys did to double their money, but we do know they ACTED.  So, I want to continue to ask God where I am supposed to be acting, even if it does mean I am taking a chance. 
     Thanks for reading.  :-)


  1. Wow. That is a great way to look at this passage. Thanks for sharing so openly about your personal application.
