Friday, December 21, 2012

Pushing Each Other

     I went to the Y today for the second time since the half marathon.  If you didn't know, I, along with my running buddy, ran a half marathon on November 25th.  We totally kicked its butt!!  But, this post is not about that.  After the race, we were supposed to take some time off from running- to let our bodies recover from running 13.1 miles in a row.  So, we took two weeks off (really, it worked out well because both of our families were sick, which makes going to the Y difficult).  Then I took last week off because my kiddos were still not up to it and it is hard to get back into going to the Y after taking two weeks off.  :-) 
     Anyway, we started again this week.  I am sooo glad to have someone to tell me that after we have been doing strength training for an hour, she thinks I should do three sets of ten almost upside down crunches (I am sure that is the actually name for them) AND I should hold a 12 pound weight.  I laughed at her at first, but she just had to actually go and DO the exercise, so I did too.  I am thankful to have her there to tell me to keep going, that I can run faster than I think I can, that I can keep running when I think I can't, that I can push myself farther.  She is unbelievably important to me.
     I try to be that same encouragement to her.  That when she wants to stop, I tell her she can do it.  That she can do four more crazy crunch things-and then she does.  Her and I make the other one better.  We could go and do things by ourselves, but it wouldn't be the same.  It wouldn't be as easy or as fun.  I, for sure, would not laugh as much.  She cracks me up all the time.  But, without her, I wouldn't be as good as I am.  We keep getting better and pushing the other.  Where one of us is weak, the other is stronger.  And when the other needs the encouragement, we are there for each other. 
     Each of us needs that.  We all need people who push us to be more than we think we can be.  Not just in exercise, but in every area of our lives.  I try to surround myself with people who will push me.  I have one person who I know will push me at the gym and running, one who will ask me about my walk with God, one who will ask how I am doing with actually sticking to our budget, one who will talk to me about parenting, another for being a better wife.  I need the multitude of counsel.  I want their wisdom.  One person can't be all things.  We are meant to be in community.  We are meant to encourage one another. 
     Think about who you want to be, in each area of your life.  Then find someone who looks like that in one area.  There is no perfect person, so pick one area to look to someone.  Then learn, listen, let them push you.  Go farther than you think you can.  Your buddy will learn how far s/he can actually push you.  You will learn how the other works.  It is awesome.  I am so thankful for all of my life buddies, but today, I am especially thankful for my running buddy.  :-)  Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. That running buddy of yours sounds awesome. :) Thanks friend; we make an excellent team. Now drop and give me twenty! :) Love you and have a great Christmas. :) - L
