Ok, confession time again...Sometimes I don't know everything. I know. It's shocking really. But I thought I would let you all in on my little secret. I wish I did, but I don't. For example, sometimes I have fashion issues. But I have a great group of girls who help guide me. One of them recently told me that I could wear brown boots with GRAY. This seemed crazy to me. She said I could wear brown with anything. I think this is weird, but I do trust that she does not want me to look crazy, so she wouldn't make it up. This same friend went shopping with me to get some new shirts. One of the shirts she said I should get has a SEAM running down the front of it. I think that this is a way for the company to reuse scraps of fabric from another product. She assures me such is not the case; rather, this seem down the front is fashionable. Another friend continues to tell me (but I don't listen sometimes, I actually listen more than she probably thinks) that I shouldn't wear black socks with certain shoes. One time, these girls stopped at a shoe store to buy me flip-flops because my shoes choice was off. They love me and don't want me to look like a clown. I appreciate that. But, I don't understand WHY the things they say are right, so sometimes I doubt a little.
My baby girl has been throwing up the last couple days. It was really bad two nights ago, so then when she threw up again yesterday morning after taking a few bits of bagel, I called the nurse line. The nurse that I talked to yesterday morning told me I had to wait EIGHT hours from the time she threw up to give my baby any food. This is a challenge because she eats. All. the. time. We made it though, but it was a challenge. Also, I could only give her 2-3 Tbsp of Pedialite every five minutes. The nurse told me this was to rest her tummy because she thought she might have viral gastritis. My baby princess kept saying "eat?" and "Hungry." She even put her own bib on and went over to her seat that she eats at. It was hard to not feed her. I listened to the instructions and my baby girl didn't throw up at all again yesterday.
I thought we were through the woods, but then she threw up an hour before bedtime tonight. So I knew that meant I should not give her more food tonight. But she asked for something and I gave her some plain white bread. A little while later she was sick again. :-( So no more food the rest of the night. I will listen. It is better for her, even though she wanted goldfish as a bedtime snack. I was strong and listened to those who know better than me.
I want to remember to listen to people who do actually know more. I want to increase my knowledge. I want to share what I know with others. I need to remember that, yes, sometimes other people know best. Thanks for reading. :-)
I am sorry Bobby Jo that you had to deal with a sick kid. It is so hard. It feels like forever before they start feeling better again. In fact, I wish I was the one sick rather than them. But then hoped I wouldn't be so I could take care of them. Don't beat yourself up for not listening... Who listens really? Then we learn. Then we listen. It would be nice to skip that step... but we are human, unfortunately. HUGS