My baby girl turns two tomorrow. I can't believe it! I love playing with her, watching her learn, hearing her giggle, seeing her be able to do things that she couldn't before. She is independent. I like that. I am also independent. But, sometimes that can get both of us in trouble. Just today, she has tried to do at least three things that were, at least at that moment, giving her a little trouble. She was trying to take her jammies off, she wanted to unbuckle her car seat, and she wanted to take her socks off. Most times she can take her PJs off herself, but her arms were stuck funny, I asked if she wanted help and she said, "I do it, I do it." She wandered around the living room like a dog chasing her tail for a little while. I asked her a little while later if she wanted me to help her a little. At that point, she let me give her a little help with one arm, and then she could get it. Later, she wanted to unclick her car seat (no thank you). I explained unclicking her was only for Mommies and Daddies, so she couldn't do it. So it was dropped. And just this afternoon, she wanted to take off her socks by pulling on the front, which doesn't work as well as she would like. :-) I asked if she wanted help, again, "I do it. I do it." She tried again and finally asked if her brother would help. He did. Not only did he take them off for her, but he showed and explained to her the best way to take off your socks- by the ankle part at the top.
My baby girl and I are cut from the same cloth. There are problems in my life that I can't really do sometimes. It could be because that situation is a little different than other times I have faced that same problem (maybe my arms are stuck a little funny), or because it is a situation that I can't solve (I will not be able to get it, no matter how much I try, I am not strong enough), or I am trying do it the hard way (I need to take my socks off from the top, not the bottom). Each of these problems had a different solution. So when I look at my life, I can see how to solve a lot of problems I face. First, I could let God explain something to me about how He can help. He can just give me a little nudge. Secondly, it could be that I shouldn't be trying to solve the problem. Ouch! Only God can do it. It is a problem only for my Heavenly Daddy. Or thirdly, it could be that someone I care about could help me and teach me a better way.
So, while being independent is great, sometimes I need to take a step back and ask if I am just chasing my tail, trying to be God, or doing things a lot harder than I need to be and not listening to those around me. How about you? Do you let God and others help or do you just yell back, "I do it!!" and keep not getting anywhere? I am thankful for my kiddos that they teach me about my Heavenly Father and what He has for me. Thanks for reading. :-)
Love you sister! She is your daughter- great job on finding a "third way" Jesus would be proud!