I know people tell you that your kids will each be different. And really I knew that. It just makes sense- no two people are alike. I think what I didn't understand was HOW different two of my own children could be. As we sat in my baby girl's room, my son (4 1/2) was sitting on my lap or laying all over me playing his LeapPad (learning video game thing). He loves to play it and at this moment he was playing a logic game where he had to move trucks in a certain order to be able to get a cement mixer out of a construction site. He is quite good at the game, but he loves for me to just watch him play it over and over and over (and help if he asks for the help) as he sits on my lap. While I am watching my son, my little baby girl (almost 2) is laying out food for a picnic for us all. I look up and crack up. In just minutes, she has created an elaborate spread for us. She has a place for each of us and tells me which plate is mine, hers, and her brother's. Earlier this afternoon, my son and I played video games while little princess was napping and now that she is up she wants to color with me. I know some of that is each of their ages, so we will see what they like as the years go on. Regardless, they each have their own preferences.
While my kiddos can be different, maybe they aren't that different after all. Both want ME. They like to hear me say nice things or make them food (my kids LOVE to eat), but what they want most is ME. Not the things I can do for them or buy for them, just me. Wow. I want to be like that with my Heavenly Daddy. To just want Him. Not His answers to my prayers, not the things I think I should get, just Him. I am trying to let all the other stuff go. I have better days than other days. And I think it's ok that I do other things than just sit and pray and read my Bible all day, but it's about my attitude. When I am going about my day, what do I WANT the most? At any moment am I ready to play with God? To give Him my time? I want that answer to always be "yes." So, I know that while my kids' preference for ME may come out in different ways, really the desire that it comes from isn't that different after all. What are you doing to really want God the most? Thanks for reading. :-)
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