Today my heart was singing. There are just moments that you love and would stay in forever if you could. One of those moments is singing "10,000 Reasons" at church. I love the words to this song, but the reason I love it most is because it is my four and a half year old son's favorite song. Anytime it is on the radio or we sing it at church, he belts it out. He informs me every time that we hear it that, "It is my favorite song, Mommy!!" The first time we sang it in church, he was over the moon because he had just asked me if we could sing that at church and I had said that I didn't know if we would sing it. Then we got to church and sang it. :-)
When he sings, he sings with everything that is in him. He told me today that he loves when the worship team sings it really, really loud. As he was singing and worshipping today, one of the worship leaders came down and let him sing into the mic. She is one of my best friends and I had shown her a video I had taken of my wonderful son singing to Jesus with all his might. I had told her that it was his favorite song, so today when she saw him singing, she let him sing loudly to Jesus and everyone got to hear. It was awesome. I want to always sing like my son- with everything that I am and everything that is in me. Like I am just singing to Jesus, because I am. After he was done singing, he was so excited that he told me we needed to make sure to find her after church. He wanted to tell her thank you and that that was his FAVORITE song and he was really glad that he got to sing in the mic.
I love holding him and listening to his little voice praise our mighty Creator. I could stay in that moment forever. I am glad that everyone else at church today got to hear him, with everything he has, thank Jesus for who He is. Thank you friend, for giving my baby the opportunity to share his love of Jesus with others. Thanks for reading. :-)
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