Thursday, February 28, 2013

Home Sweet Home

     Back to my regular life.  Today I did laundry at my own house, loaded my own dish washer, and cleaned up my own house.  There is something really nice about that.  I love being on "vacation," but there is a great quality about being in your own home.  It is enjoyable to see my kids playing with their friends and my friend drinking a Starbucks with me here in my home.  I know I have written this before, but I want to make each moment that I have count.  I want to enjoy each moment that I have with my husband, kids, and friends.  I feel like that has been a theme that I keep seeing.  Thank you to everyone who is helping to teach me that.  My parents and sisters when I am able to be with them.  My mother-in-law when she shares from her love, her life, and her loss.  My son's preschool teacher who tells me not to worry about what it will be like when I have to send my baby to kindergarten next year, but to enjoy each day as it comes.  My friends when we get time to connect and laugh with each other.  My kids when I watch them grow more and more everyday.  My husband when we talk about how crazy it is that we have been married for almost nine years already.  How did that happen? 
     I want to make each day count.  I saw this quote on a friend's Facebook post, "“Harold Hill: You pile up enough tomorrows, and you'll find you are left with nothing but a lot of empty yesterdays. I don't know about you, but I'd like to make today worth remembering.”  ― Meredith Willson, The Music Man: A Musical Comedy.  How about you?  Are you making today worth remembering?  Thanks for reading.  :-)


    Note:  I wrote this yesterday and it didn't get published.  :-)   I am at my home!  Our flight last night was so delayed that we would have missed our connection and would have been stuck at the Chicago airport for 24 hours.  So, I had my parents come back and get the kiddos and I from the airport, after we had already been there for over 2 hours, and we stayed at their house again last night.  Then this morning, about 12 hours from when we were at the airport, we left again to go back to the airport.  We went to Washington DC on an hour flight, had a 3 1/2 hour layover and then a 5 1/2 hour plane ride home.  The kids did really well, but I am still VERY tired.  Thank you all for your prayers.  Tomorrow, I hit the ground running into "normal" life again.  :-)  Thanks for reading.  :-)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

On the Road Again....

     I can't wait to be OFF the road again.  Traveling will start when we leave my parents' house at 3:45pm eastern time to go to the airport.  Then we will leave on a plane at 6:25pm and have a short ride.  We will get on a plane for a longer ride (after perhaps jogging through the airport).  Then by 1:37am we will be home.  Please pray that the trip is good for the kids and I and that they sleep on the long flight.  Thanks for reading.  :-)

Monday, February 25, 2013

Family Time

     I have had a lot of sister time the last two weeks.  I have three sisters.  They are 6, 7, and 10 years younger than me.  It has been fun to get to do the things that they like or talk about their lives.  My middle sister is getting married in July.  We went wedding dress shopping, talked about the wedding, reception, pictures, and tons of other things.  We also played games together (with our Dad and her fiance) and talked about tons of other stuff. 
     I have another sister who has a little baby girl just four and half months older than my two year old.  It was fun to watch the kids play together and to talk about what was going on with the kids.  Also, we bonded over an iPhone game.  You know those ones that you play and there really isn't a point.  Well, she has one on her phone because her little girl likes to watch it.  I played on her phone some while she was at my parents' house.
     My baby sister is in college.  I got to learn more about her classes.  Tonight she baked cookies for us.  The kids, my Mom, my baby sister, and I went shopping today.  It was tons of fun to just hang out with her and learning more about who she is.
     I love hanging out with my Mom and Dad too.  They are my friends.  I enjoy seeing how my kids light up around them.  My kiddos want to play with them all the time.  I enjoy talking with them about little things that are going on in life and big things too.  I talk to them often on the phone, but there is something different about being in the same room.
     I know that we are coming back in four months for my sister's shower and her wedding, but it is still hard to say goodbye.  I know there will be tears at the airport.  I try to teach my kids that it is ok to be sad that we are leaving-we will miss PaPa and Mima and their Aunts, but also we are going home to Daddy.  So, we can be excited about that.  Emotions are weird, aren't they?  Learn about those around you.  Be joyful when you are around them.  But, it's to be sad sometimes too.  Tomorrow I have to remember that it's ok to feel all the emotions that the kids and I are feeling as we travel.  I want to do a good job of letting them feel.  Thanks for reading.  :-)

Sunday, February 24, 2013


     Time is funny.  Why do the last few days of my trip to see my family seem so precious?  It's not that all of the time isn't special and important.  When you live as far away from family as we do, any time together is life giving and treasured.  With that said though, when you know people are leaving soon and you won't see them for months, or when we are driving to the airport, I want to breathe in every minute.  Not waste a thing.
     Why don't we always live like that?  Treasure the people we are with when we are with them?  Enjoy where we are while we are there?  I know that I am better at it now.  But i could be better.  i want to actually engage. I want to be making memories.  Go make some memories with the people around you.  Thanks for reading.  :-)

Saturday, February 23, 2013


     I am a mega nerd.  It's true.  I just helped my sister with her taxes and I loved it.   I really like to do taxes.  My father in law would be so proud.  He used to do our taxes, but when he passed away, I started to do the taxes for my husband and I.  I love doing it.  I look forward to tax time.  I think of it as a  challenge.  I know that I can defeat them.  Also, I have found the IRS people to be nice and helpful if I do have questions.  But, just so you know.  I am a mega nerd.  Thanks for reading.  :-)

Friday, February 22, 2013


     Today I had one of my favorite kinds of pizza.  It is from a small pizza place from where I grew up.  I love having the pizza when I am in town.  My sister loves to get it when she is here too.  I think it is because it reminds us of growing up.  You know those tastes and smells that just trigger good memories?  This pizza is one of those.  Both my husband and my sister's fiancĂ© think the pizza is fine, but they don't love it.  My husband is not excited to get it when he is in my hometown, but he eats it because I like it.  But the guys don't have the same great memories associated with it.  They weren't there when we would get two trays of it and go to Gram's house and hang out with our cousins.  They weren't there for the birthday parties and late nights eating that pizza.
     We can tell them all abut the memories and they can appreciate that we like the pizza, but they will never like it the way we do.  And that's ok.  :-).  I will still love my pizza, even though some people might not ever understand.  So, what are your things that bring back good memories?  A favorite food?  Song?  Movie?  Share the experience with someone you love, just so you can tell them the stories about it.  You will love it and they will love learning more about you.  Thanks for reading.  :-)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Great Things

     Today my fabulous son told my sister that he is going to do great things with his life.  I love that he knows that- he knows he was made for great things.  I want to always remind him of that.  I want him to remember that God DOES have things that are better than he can even think or imagine.  I too want to remember that I am going to do great things with my life.  Even on my bad days, I need to continue to tell myself TRUTH.  You too are going to do great things with your life!  Thanks for reading.  :-)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


     My baby girl accidently broke my parents' glass top coffee table.  :-(  It was really scary- huge bad chunks of glass broken all over the top of the table.  She didn't get hurt at all, which was a miracle, given that there were glass slivers all over.  My sister was over with her kids too, so she took all four kiddos down stairs to keep them from getting glass in them.  It was scary.  I kept looking for little glass pieces everywhere.  It was a little while before I actually felt good about letting the kids come back upstairs. 
     After the kids were back up, my baby princess was so sad that the glass was gone.  I kept telling her it was broken.  She got really sad.  I thought she was going to cry.  She just did not understand that her accident had consequences.  Again, it makes me think of life.  Sometimes, I make mistakes.  I really didn't mean for anything bad to happen, but it does.  Then people might be scared or hurt or angry (none of us were angry with her though).  When something is an accident, it isn't like I could have necessarily done anything to prevent it.  But, I have to look at when happened and talk to the people I should about the outcome. 
     After a little while though, my baby girl was ok.  She didn't hold onto the sadness.  I know, she is only two, so she doesn't necessarily get it, but the point works for me too.  Once I have talked to those I should, I need to not keep beating myself up over things.  I cannot prevent every accident (like a glass coffee table top breaking), so once I have done what I can- I need to let it go and move on.  What about you?  Are there things that you are claiming responsibility for that you don't need to be?  Forgive yourself.  :-)  Thanks for reading.  :-)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


     You know the days you have that are just long and hard?  Today wasn't totally like that, but a lot of it was.  My kiddos are both tired and sick from having bad nights last nights.  My baby girl didn't really get her nap and neither did I.  :-/  Little princess does not like to take medicine.  At. all.  I tried to give her some tonight and she spit it all over herself.  Twice...  Grr......  At that moment, I did not have the patience that I should have.  I know it.  Which is then even more frustrating.  I know that God can give me His patience, I don't ask for it enough.  I want to come to Him.  I want to ask Him.  Why don't I?  I wish I knew.  It's just a reminder that I need to call on Him always.  Ask the Holy Spirit to be working in and through me always.  These cranky moments of mine do give me a chance to teach my kids about saying sorry and forgiveness, so I guess there is an up side.  :-)  But, I know they will have enough opportunities to learn that other times, so I really want them to know that Jesus is in me because I do what He would do.  I have His fruit.  Pray for me and you and all of those you love that we can all show each other and everyone else around us the Fruit of the Holy Spirit.  Thanks for reading.  :-)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Snow Day

     Today my kids , my Dad, my sister, her fiancĂ©, and I got to play in the snow.  My baby girl has never played in the snow before and my son has only played a few times in his four and a half years.  I don't think he has ever been sledding.  It was so fun watching them enjoy the snow.  :-). They might not get to play in it for a while again, but today was awesome.  I asked my son, after having sledded down the hill a few times, if he wanted to play in the snow.  He asked me, "Mommy, how do I play in the snow?"  I loved that he asked.  He didn't know what to do, so he asked.  How many times in my life do I not know what to do, but I just try to fake it?  Wouldn't it just be better to ask those people around me who actually know?  Ask those who have the answers?  I love my kids.  They remind me of the way that I should approach life.  They also make me laugh and smile and help me enjoy this fabulous life I have!  Thanks for reading.  :-)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Game Night

     Tonight some of my family sat around and played a game.  It is so fun to be able to just spend time with family.  I really love being with family.  I enjoy having the shared experience and the quality time together.  My husband's family plays game when we are visiting them too.  I really enjoy playing games.  :-)  So, if you like to play games, make some time to play with the people you love.  Have a fun day!  Thanks for reading.  :-)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Words of Affirmation

     The final love language is words of affirmation.  These can come in several different ways.  The first is verbal compliments.  An example of this would be telling someone how good her hair looks or the accessories she is wearing or her smile.  Encouraging words are another form of this love language.  These words will inspire people to be what they can be.  It can encourage them to do more than they think they can.  The words will inspire courage in the one you love.
     An important part of words of affirmation is HOW you say something.  What does your tone sound like?  Does it seem irritated?  Or can the person hear that you are being loving toward them?  Also, it is important to use humble words- to request things from those you love and not demand them.  So ask, "would you please...," instead of rudely telling someone to do something.
     Remember, if words of affirmation are a person's love language, words that are mean or not encouraging will hurt them WAY more than someone whose love language is not words of affirmation.  As you have read through the five love languages, what stuck out to you?  Are there ones that you know are your spouse's and you have some apologizing to do?  Do you know what yours are and you might need to explain the idea or love languages to those around you?  Do things to fill the love tank of those around you and see the difference that it makes.  Thanks for reading.  :-)

Friday, February 15, 2013

Acts of Service

     The fourth love language is acts of service.  Acts of service are when you do something for someone else.  It might be something you like to do, like bake cookies.  Or it could be something you don't necessarily like to do, such as the dishes or scrubbing the floors.  This love language, like all of them, are not about what YOU want to do, but what the other person wants.  It could be that you think vacuuming is an awesome thing to do to show your love.  When in reality, your spouse would rather you fold the mountain of laundry to show them you love them.
     If your spouse keeps asking you to do things, like cleaning or other things around the house, or washing the car, his or her love language is probably acts of service.  Listen to what they ask you to do and DO those things, even if they are not the things you think should show love.  If acts of service are the love of language of someone you love, do what they are asking to fill up his or her love tank.  Thanks for reading.  :-)

Thursday, February 14, 2013


     Happy Valentine's Day from Ohio!  We made it across the country in one piece.  :-)  Thanks for your prayers.  Now, back on topic.  The first two Love Languages we talked about were quality time and gifts.  The third is touch.  This can be holding hands, rubbing someone's feet, letting your kiddo sit on your lap, lots of things.  If you have a spouse or kid who is always snuggling up next to you, then one of his or her main love languages may be touch.  This is another major one for my son.  The other day I told him he could sit on the floor or on the couch beside me to play a video game with his friend.  Where does he sit?  My lap.  :-)  Which did not surprise me at all.  And just reaffirms that one of his love languages is touch.
     If your spouse has this love language, or if you do, the touch does not have to be sexual at all.  It could just be holding hands at the mall or having them touch your back.  It is about touch conveying love.  I hope that this information is getting you interested in The Five Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman.  Are you beginning to see what your love language(s) might be?  What about the people that you care the most about?  Thanks for reading.  :-) 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Leaving on a Jet Plane

     We interrupt our regularly scheduled blog about the Love Languages to make an important announcement.  My kiddos and I are going to Ohio to visit my family for two weeks.  I am going to try to blog, but I don't know if I will every day.  Please pray for our travels there and back.  Also, pray that my kids can adjust to the time zone change.  And that we all get great family time.  :-)  Hopefully, tomorrow we will be back to the Love Languages.  Have a fabulous day everyone!!  Thanks for reading.  :-)

Gift Giving

     In review from yesterday, Dr. Gary Chapman wrote The Five Love Languages.  He describes how we can show each other that we love each other.  For more info, read yesterday's post.  :-)  Today we look at gift giving as a love language.  With gift giving, it is not the cost of the gift that matters.  What is important is that you thought of the person.  You saw something they liked and got it.  It can be tic-tacs.  It shows that you were thinking of them.  Surprise them with a card.  With a candy bar.  It really is not about how much you spent.  That is hard for me to wrap my head around, but I have had years to keep trying.  One of my husband's main love languages is gift giving.  This was hard for me at first.  I (still sometimes) get stuck on the idea that the higher the price, the higher the amount of love shown.  Which then, makes it so I didn't buy things as often.  Really, it is better for me to get lots of inexpensive things and surprise him often.  I am learning.  :-)   
      Another problem with me and gifts.  Sometimes, my husband would give me a gift and I wouldn't respond well.  My negative response, really hurt him.  It hurt him more because gifts is one of his love languages.  I didn't know this information at the time, or I would have responded differently.  So, remember, whatever some one's main love language is, not responding to that well to that will really hurt them.  Be careful how you respond.  Apologize to someone if you have reacted badly.  I had to.  :-/  Keeping loving well.  Thanks for reading.  :-)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Love Languages

     Today at MOPS we talked about love languages.  Dr. Gary Chapman wrote The Five Love Languages.  The idea is that we all have a "love tank."  When we feel loved, our tank fills up; when we don't, it gets empty.  Different people feel love in ways.  We all know there are multiple, multiple languages that people speak all over the world.  There can be miscommunication if someone who is speaking English is trying to talk with someone who only speaks Japanese.  In the same way, just because you feel loved when someone gives you a gift, doesn't mean that those around you feel as loved when they get a gift.  Miscommunication can occur when two people speak different love languages.  By learning what your love language is and what the love languages of your spouse, children, and loved ones are, you can help one another to feel loved.
     So, for the next few days, we are going to look at the different love languages.  There are five: quality time, words of affirmation, physical touch, gifts, and acts of service.  Each language has different dialects, so even if two people have the same language, they could speak it a little differently.  Like how Americans and Australians both speak English, but it can sound very different.  Today's language is quality time.  One way that quality time as a love language can be expressed is that someone would want a person to be around them- to be close.  They may not have to be doing the same activity, just be together. 
     Another way that quality time can be conveyed is that you may want to be engaged in quality conversation.  One person wants the other to actively listen and talk about feelings they have about situations in life.  This situation is about connecting and talking and understanding each other.  It is not about trying to fix whatever the problems might be.
     Thirdly, it could be that a person wants to do a quality activity together.  Maybe a puzzle or a game.  A person wants all of the attention when the activity is taking place.  This is not a time to multi-task.  Just DO the activity.  Don't try to watch TV and do the puzzle.  Just do the puzzle together.  It is a time to share an experience and to connect with one another. 
     Quality time is my main love language, so I like this one.  :-)  You would think that would mean it is super easy for me to speak.  And it is often times.  However, it is also one of my son's main one's too.  Sometimes though, I still don't get it right.  I sit at the computer as he asks me to play with him.  In the last few months, I have been trying really hard to actually making sure that I am filling his love tank.  I am getting better, not perfect, but better.  I want him to know that he is loved.
     As you read through the last few paragraphs, did you find yourself relating to any of them?  Do you think quality time might be your love language?  Or your spouses?  Or your kids?  Take some time and think about it.  Join me tomorrow for more on Love Languages.  Thanks for reading.  :-)

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Long Haul

     Sometimes I don't want to have to wait for things.  I want to see results right now.  With losing weight, saving money, or running, I don't get to see immediate results most of the time.  I want to be able to run as fast as I want to right now.  I want to be at my goal weight now.  I want to have our emergency fund saved already.  I like to check things off lists.  I have been feeling like I can't check these long term things off.  I know, I know.  Babysteps.  Reward yourself along the way.  I know all the right things to say.  But, sometimes I just want to see the results right now.  That's how it is, right?  Sometimes we need the people around us to tell us it is ok that we don't get to check things off.  That babysteps are really worth it.  I am thankful that I have those people in my life.
     But really, when I think about it.  Most things that are really valuable to us are things that we are in for the long haul.  Things that we can't easily cross off of a list.  Love my husband.  Build my marriage.  Love my kids.  Teach my kids.  Love my family and friends.  Build relationship.  Wouldn't it be weird if we checked those off the list and moved on?  We can't.  Everyday we continue to work on the things that are important to us.  So, when I need a pep talk about being healthy or saving money, I can remind myself of all of the things in life that I will never really "check off" but love doing every day anyway.  Thanks for reading.  :-)

Saturday, February 9, 2013


     I love to bake.  Anytime I get a chance to bake for something, I do.  Today, I baked a lot of cookies!  Tomorrow is the cookie sale at my church.  All of the money raised goes to the women's retreat.  Baking the fifteen dozen or a little more cookies was so much fun.  It was a great day to relax with my family and have fun.  And I got to do a hobby that I enjoy.  :-)  Make sure to take time to do the hobbies that help relax you.  Thanks for reading.  :-)


     I have recently decided I want to play more.  I have played board games with my husband, lots of stuff with the kids and then things with friends.  But, I really do want my life to have more play.  I have been trying to play more board games with the kiddos.  More coloring.  More video games with my son.  More board games with my honey.  Sometimes, when life is going crazy, it can seem like coloring with my baby girl is a waste of time.  Or that I can't stop for a few moments and ACTIVELY BE with my family.  I want my family to remember that I played.  I want my family to remember that they were more important to me than the laundry or the dishes or a meeting I needed to get ready for. 
     It's hard for me sometimes, because I want those tasks to get done.  But, I need to remind myself that I will get stuff done, but it doesn't necessarily need to get done right this moment, some things maybe, but not most.  Playing is important too.  When my son wants to play video games, it is not a waste of time.  That is speaking love to my wonderful son.  When my baby girl wants to color. I am telling her I love her.  Playing a game with my husband shows him that he is loved.  These are things that are important.  I want to make sure they are a priority.  How can you play today?  Thanks for reading.  :-)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Grace and The Law

     I just started reading Leviticus in the Bible in the last few days.   It is a book about the law for the Israelites.  God told Moses what sacrifices the people should make.  There were sacrifices for thanksgiving, repentance, festivals, atonement and they just keep going.  The people had to offer sacrifices because they did not have Jesus as their Savior yet. 
     It is hard to read Leviticus.  I keep thinking, "If I read about lobes and kidneys and fat of one more sacrifice..."  I am pushing through.  As I read though, the thing that I keep thinking about is how I am glad that I have Grace.  I don't have to atone for my sins because Jesus did it for me.  He was my Sacrifice.  He was your Sacrifice.  Once and for all.  We just have to ask Him to cover us and forgive our sins.  Then, we are forgiven and clean.  That's it.  We don't have to bring any lambs, or livestock, or birds.  We just bring us.  And He loves us.  I am so thankful for Grace as I read through Leviticus.  I pray that you know Jesus' Grace today.  Thanks for reading.  :-)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


     There is a story in the Bible in 1 Kings 13 about two prophets, an old one and a young one.  The young one had been told by God not to eat or drink food on a journey that he was on.  A King offered him food and he told him that even if the King gave him half his Kingdom, he could not eat or drink with the King because God told him not to on the journey.  As he is headed home, an old prophet goes after the young prophet and tells him that God said to the old prophet the young prophet could eat and drink with the old prophet.  It was completely a lie.  But the young prophet didn't know that so he goes and eats with old prophet. 
     As they are eating and drinking, the old prophet gets an actual word from God telling the old prophet that the young one will be killed by a lion because he disobeyed what God had told him to do.  Wow!!  Doesn't that seem crazy?!?!  For eating and drinking, the prophet of God gets killed by a lion.  The point wasn't the eating and drinking, it was that he disobeyed what God had told him to do.
     He trusted the wrong person.  He knew the King was making evil choices, so he didn't trust him.  But the old prophet?  The young prophet trusted him because he was another prophet.  But, the young prophet KNEW what God had told him.  But he listened to someone else and not God.  He should have checked this new message with God.
     He trusted someone more than God.  The main take away that I get from the story is be careful who you let into your sphere of influence.  Be cautious to whom you give your trust.  I am not saying I shouldn't be friends and acquaintances with lots of people, but I need to watch who I let into my inner circle.  I want to make sure they are telling me things that line up with the Word of God.  That they are pushing toward God and not away from Him.  I want to use wisdom.  I want to seek God and check what others tell me against what God is telling me.  Who are you letting into your sphere of influence?  Thanks for reading.  :-)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Cereal For Dinner

     I admit it.  I let my kids eat cereal for dinner.  Not every night, but maybe once a week or so.  They love it.  I like it too actually.  Cereal is yummy and it reminds me of my father-in-law.  He would eat cereal for dinner too.  :-)  He was so amazing.  Really.  He was.  He was a fabulous husband for my mother-in-law, dad for his three kids and three kids-in-law, and friend to loads of people.  I loved being around him.  He loved Jesus with all his heart.  And I know that he is in Heaven with Jesus now worshipping until we all get to see him again.
     I wish that I would have gotten more time with him.  I know that everyone that knew him wanted more time too.  I wish he would have known my kids.  He never got to meet them.  I got pregnant a few months after he passed away.  My kids would have loved him.  Since they won't get to meet him this side of Heaven, my kiddos get to know about their Grandpa by learning things about him and hearing stories about him.  Things like that he liked to have cereal for dinner.  Or that he had birthday Pop-Tarts with his kids on their birthdays.  :-)  Or by listening to my husband tell stories from when he would play with his Dad. 
     So, I know that the nutritional value of cereal for dinner isn't awesome, but the emotional and relational value is soo worth it.  Do you have things that remind you of the people you love?  Go ahead, do them.  Don't worry that the things might seem funny to other people.  It's ok.  They are for you and the people around you.  Tell stories about those you love and loved.  Then live parts of those stories again.  Have fun!  Make memories.  Thanks for reading.  :-) 


     Sorry for the super late post.  My baby girl has been part of a study since she was six months old.  She is in the control group for an autism study.  In the last eighteen months, we have gone to the University for visits multiple times, I have filled out loads of questionnaires, and she has had three MRIs.  Tonight was the third MRI.  They are trying to figure out when they can see a difference in the brains of babies with and without autism.  They have made some progress, so they are now going to start looking at babies who are three months old.  Since the kids don't medically need the MRIs, they do not use anesthesia.  So, we do them past her bedtime, hoping she falls asleep in my arms quickly.  This is an interesting process given that she NEVERS falls asleep in my arms except for these MRI nights.  Normally, she lays down in her bed awake and then falls asleep by herself.  Well, tonight it took her less than an hour and a half.  The best yet!!!  I love having her sleeping there in my arms.  Then,  I have to lay her down on the MRI machine which makes CRAZY loud noises. 
     Each time I see her like that, I am so thankful she doesn't actually NEED this.  I am reminded to pray for all of the kids there at the Children's Hospital.  I am so happy to be a part of the study.  Hopefully, they will be able to use this information to help kids with autism in the future.  And it reminds me to be thankful for the health of my fabulous kiddos.  That is something that I sometimes take for granted.  I want to remember to thank my Heavenly Father for all that He has blessed my family with each day.  What about you?  Are there things that you could be thanking God for that you forget about sometimes?  Thanks for reading.  :-)

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Like My Mom

     You know how people say that you turn into your Mom as you get older?  Well, I really think there is truth to that, which is great because I think my Mom is great.  And tonight I was totally like her.  :-)  Before I can tell you about tonight, let me give you a little back story.  The elementary school version of me would come home and tell Mom, "Tomorrow is rubber ducky day (or insert some other random theme) at school."  Then Mom awesomely, cool Mom would make me a handmade outfit to go with the day.  She did this so many times, I can't even remember them all.  And I knew that she would come through for me.  There was no doubt.  Or I would tell her we are having a contest and I knew she would help me win it.  She had my back all the time.  I also didn't realize until I was older, she would stay up most of the night making my clothes for the next day, so I could have a shirt and/or accessory to go with the them.  As a side note, one time she made me a slap bracelet to go with a Christmas dress.  She is fabulous.  :-)
   Ok, back to present day.  My son's preschool teacher (who is so crazy good) tells us on Friday that Monday is hearts and hats day and that we are going to see who has the most hearts.  So, tonight I made him a heart necklace with 150 hearts.  It's not a homemade outfit, but I still felt like I was bonding with my Mom as I strung each of those beads.  There are some ways I am turning into my Mom and I am proud.  Thanks for reading.  :-)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Love and Whimsy

     I saw Bob Goff speak tonight.  He wrote the book Love Does, which I have talked about a few times.  One of the things I just keep coming back to, after finishing the book and hearing him speak tonight, is that I want to act out of love and not out of obligation.  Sometimes the results would be the same- the task gets done.  But when I am acting out of God's love, my attitude and motivation are different.  For example, I want to start serving in the nursery at church because I love kids and I love their moms and I know that Jesus loves them too.  I don't want to show up anymore because I have too.  The way I interact with people will be different if I am motivated by love. 
     This book is awesome!!  Please read it.  Each chapter only take about 10 minutes to read and they are fun, so it is easy to read in little chunks (important for a mom with two little kiddos).  It will change the way you look at life.  It kinda freaks me out a bit because he talks about "whimsy" often.  How love involves "whimsy."  I am not really a person of "whimsy."  But, I think that maybe I should, be a little; maybe more, we'll see.  :-)  I want to work in whimsy into my life.  I want to love like Jesus loved.  He didn't love out of obligation and He also didn't have a detailed 64 point plan.  He did things.  He fed the people who were following Him with what they had.  He didn't have the disciples bring enough food for everyone they expected to be there.  He didn't make everyone RSVP.  He just had some whimsy.  Weird, right?  I know that God "is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us (Eph 3:20)."  I have been trying to live out that verse the last couple of years.  I think this new insight from Bob is going to help me a ton.  So, now I am going to act from love and add a little whimsy in my life and see what God does with it.  Thanks for reading.  :-)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Just Do It

     Today I finally wrote a report that I needed to write.  I have known about it for over two weeks, but it was due today.  Honestly, I was freaking out about doing it.  It shouldn't have been a big deal.  But, as I kept putting it off, the idea of it kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger.  And more stressful.  So, I have been a little stressed off and on about this for over two weeks.  How long did it take me to do?  About half an hour.  I am sure that I spent more time thinking about how hard it was going to be, than actually doing it.  I should have just done it sooner.  :-) 
     I read a blog called, "Calm.Healthy.Sexy."  It is great!  She wrote a post last fall about a "Little Annoying Tasks" (LAT) list.  It is a good post.  You go read that.  Trust me.  I will still be here when you get back.  Here is the link:  Seriously, if you didn't read it, you should.  :-)
     She is right on for me.  I have been trying to think about the things that I need to do, but don't, and try to actually do them.  This report reminded me that I just need to do the things that I need to get done.  I am not saying that you should never have things on your to-do list, just that I have had time that I could have done that report in the last few weeks and didn't.  It would have been better for me to do it sooner.  What about you?  Do you have a LAT list?  Thanks for reading.  :-)